
7 Ways To Chase Your Dreams

The shower was warming up as I started counting the minutes that I had left to get ready before I needed to wake the kids and get to my office. It was just like every other morning and yet it was different.

As the blow dryer drowned out my thoughts, I glanced in the mirror. My eyes navigated to the dark circles under my eyes which made me look like I hadn’t slept in years. It was normal as a mom of two young kids, but I knew that wasn’t where my exhaustion stemmed from. As my mind raced with the to do’s and mental checklist of work tasks that needed to be completed, the book I read while we were on vacation popped into my head. It stopped me in my tracks and I asked myself

“why haven’t you taken any more steps to create that dream life you want?”

How to chase your dreams

I had said it to myself many times before but it never hit me the way it did that day. I knew I could have the life I always dreamt of, but I didn’t know how. Yet, I knew the only thing stopping me was me. It lit a fire in me and I ran with it.

On my lunch break that day I wrote this. I hadn’t written anything for years, but it flowed out of me on the keys like it had been waiting until I was ready. There was no turning back. Where that would take me, I had no idea but I needed to start. I needed to start writing.

Start with what you love.

If you identify the things you love in life you will be able to narrow down a potential career path.

As a child when my parents would reprimand me, I would take it hard. I’d then reflect and need to communicate. The only way I knew how to communicate was through written words because it allowed me time to think about how to best share my feelings. It also allowed the other person to digest what I had to say without feeling the need to respond instantly. I loved being creative and storytelling as it was the way I learned best – it was the only way I passed science class!

Loving mother with son on the beach

Lean into fear.

Typically we are fearful of things that seem like work or require change. Lean into that. If something feels like work that usually means there will be a great reward. If you want to chase your dreams it will come at a price. But, to live the life you are currently living that comes at a price too. You have to decide which price is worth paying.

I have had the most success, the most happiness, and felt the most free when I’ve leaned into fear. It opened paths that never would have opened. I never would’ve seen them had I chosen the safe path.

You will have no idea what you are doing.

Every expert started out as an amateur.

Even if you love something, that doesn’t mean it is easy. Accepting that you will have no idea what you are doing will make the journey a lot easier. Connection and community comes from being able to share that you do not know everything but want to learn.

Be humble.

No one likes a know it all. Heck, even when you do know it all, be humble. When you are real and relatable it is easy to chase your dream, no matter what it is. It also makes it a lot easier to find true supporters.

Mother and daughter doing crow pose in yoga

Surround yourself with like minded people.

If you truly want to chase your dreams you have to surround yourself with people who support you. This does not mean they agree with every decision you make or even understand it, but it means they support you and want your happiness. Nay-sayers are not allowed in a dream chasers path.

Do your research.

15 years ago I knew I wanted to do something different than the normal “9-5 until I retire” gig. Yet, I had no idea how to get there. I explored and researched. I am a writer, but I hate reading. However, I knew in order to create the life I wanted I needed to learn how. I read and read a lot. I was determined to create a different life than I had been ‘told’ I should have. The research made me confident in my choices.

Research industries that align with your passions. Learn from those that have chased their dream so you can learn how you can chase your dreams. And, when you think you’ve researched enough, research again. Knowledge is your friend.

Just do it.

As Nike says, just do it. My guess is, deep down you have always had a nudge toward something you love, but have buried it. You’ve heard it all.

You have such a great job. You are so lucky.

I would do anything to have your job.

You ARE grateful. You ARE happy. Just because you want something different, it does not mean you are ungrateful. You have one life and you deserve to follow those passions God placed in your heart. Just do it.

Always in love,

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