3 Essentials To Achieve Entrepreneurial Freedom

As entrepreneurs, many of us take the leap from the corporate world to pursue our dreams of freedom, flexibility, and fulfillment. The allure of setting your own schedules, making your own decisions, and creating a life on our own terms is undeniably strong.  Especially in today’s society where everyone seems to be looking for autonomy to spend their time building relationships, living abundant lives, and building a legacy for their families.  However, what often happens is quite the opposite. Without the right systems and processes in place, you find yourself more stressed and with less freedom than ever before. Let’s explore how to avoid this common pitfall that takes so many completely out of the game and build a business that supports the lifestyle you envisioned.

In order to establish those systems and processes that you need to have a business that doesn’t depend fully on you, there are three key areas that we need to dive deeper into. If you’d like tailored recommendations of where to begin, take my free business assessment

1. Assess Your Current Operations to Build a Foundation for Growth

Before you can create a business that works for you, you need to understand where you currently stand. This means taking a deep dive into your current operations. Start by asking yourself these questions:

– What are the daily tasks that keep my business running?

– Which of these tasks are essential, and which could be delegated or eliminated?

– How efficient are my current processes?

– What are the bottlenecks that are slowing down my progress?

By answering these questions, you can identify areas for improvement. The goal is to streamline your operations to free up your time and mental energy for strategic activities that drive growth.

Action Steps:

  • Conduct a time audit to see where you’re spending your hours each day.  This can be a very time consuming task up front but worth it in the end to be able to objectively see where your time is being spent.  Is your time being spent switching from one menial task to the next?  How many hours a day are you devoting to tasks that are actually generating revenue and advancing your business?  
  • Identify tasks that can be automated or delegated.  Most entrepreneurs struggle with letting go of control but the truth is, this is holding your business back and preventing you from having the freedom that you desire.  To truly move forward and create systems and process that are going to set your business up to fit your lifestyle, you are going to have to let go of having complete control over every single task that has to get done on a daily basis and know that either another person or AI can probably handle just as well as you can.  
  • Create a list of processes that need improvement or documentation.  Once you have established your list of tasks that you do on a daily basis and identified which ones can either be automated or delegated, it’s time to optimize and document your systems and processes.  If you were going to hand that task off to someone else, would they have everything they need in order to complete the task?  Is there room to systemize tasks that you have just been handling as they come instead of in a way that can be duplicated?  How well have you documented these systems to assure that whoever is taking them over will have the greatest success?

2. Establish Your Buy Back Rate for Outsourcing

One of the most effective ways to gain more freedom as an entrepreneur is to outsource tasks that don’t require your direct involvement. This concept is often referred to as your “Buy Back Rate.” Essentially, it’s about determining the value of your time and outsourcing tasks that cost less than your hourly rate.

A simple calculation to determine your buy back rate is:

Your Income / Annual Hours Worked / 4 = Your Buy Back Rate


This means if you can outsource a task for your buy back rate, you should. This allows you to focus on high-impact activities that only you can do, thereby driving your business forward more efficiently.

Action Steps:

  • Calculate your Buy Back Rate. Consider your revenue goals and how many hours you want to work each week.  This is where it’s important to be very realistic with  yourself.  We all want to be making millions and only working 4 hours a week and, for some, that is their reality.  However, for the majority of entrepreneurs that are stepping out of being enslaved in their business, this is going to take smaller steps in order to assure it’s actually sustainable for you in the long run. 
  • Identify tasks that can be outsourced, such as administrative work, customer service, or content creation.  This step should come as a huge relief to you.  These tasks should be the things that just aren’t your favorite or that someone else could get done in less time than you trying to do it yourself.  
  • Find reliable contractors or agencies to handle these tasks.  Reliable is the key word here.  It is worth taking the time up front to find and vet people that align with your values, will uphold your brand (yes, even in the menial tasks), and not cause more work for you in the end by having to handhold or redo work you have already paid someone else to do. 

3. Analyze & Automate

Automation is a powerful tool that can significantly reduce the time you spend on repetitive tasks. By leveraging technology, you can create systems that work seamlessly in the background, freeing up your time for more important work.

Start by analyzing your current processes to see where automation can be implemented. Common areas for automation include email marketing, social media posting, customer relationship management, and invoicing.

Action Steps:


  • Map out your current workflows and identify repetitive tasks.  These tasks often include emails, posting on social media, invoicing, and other tasks that take up time in your day as well as space in your head.  These tasks should be easily identifiable if you have taken action on the steps above.  What tasks are repetitive and take up more of your valuable time than you would like?  Which of these tasks would be the quickest and most simple to automate?
  •  Research tools and software that can automate these tasks. The tools you use can make or break your system.  Remember, there is always an element of learning when it comes to implementing new tech.  To ensure your greatest success, do your research up front to know what tool will most effectively meet your needs.  Take the time up front to learn the tool in order to utilize it to it’s fullest potential and cut down on the frustration of simple processes not working out later on. 
  • Implement automation gradually, starting with the most time-consuming processes.  The simple truth to stepping into automation is that there is always a high barrier to entry.  The systems and platforms are often robust and difficult to navigate.  They most likely have more features than you will ever be able to use, much like your iPhone.  However, this shouldn’t stop you from starting.  Start small and automate one process at a time.  It can be overwhelming to try and automate an entire system all at once leading to becoming extremely frustrated and eventually you giving up.  Just pick one task to automate, implement it, analyze the results, and add tasks to your automation system as you gain more confidence.  


As entrepreneurs, we often wear many hats, thinking that we need to be involved in every aspect of our business. However, the more essential you are to your business, the less valuable your business becomes. This is because a business that relies heavily on its owner is harder to scale and sell.

By building systems and processes, outsourcing effectively, and leveraging automation, you can create a business that operates independently of you. This not only gives you the freedom you sought when you left the corporate world but also increases the overall value of your business.

Transitioning from a corporate job to entrepreneurship is a journey that requires not just a change in job title but a complete shift in mindset and operations. By assessing your current operations, establishing your Buy Back Rate, and analyzing and automating your processes, you can build a business that truly supports the lifestyle you desire. Remember, the goal is to create a business that works for you, not the other way around. With the right systems in place, you can achieve the freedom and fulfillment you envisioned when you first made the leap.


Always in love,

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