How I Help Fight and Eliminate My Kids Food Allergies Naturally

I picked Nova up from daycare when she was around 16 months old and she had red blotches on her skin, a pale face and watery eyes. She seemed fine otherwise and we asked the daycare provider a few questions and went home.

Mom gut told me it was more.

Nova was still sitting in a high chair at that time and the provider had given the rest of the children peanut butter sandwiches. Due to her age, Nova wasn’t quite old enough to have that so she had an alternative lunch.

MTHFR Gene Mutuation

At that moment, I knew she was allergic to peanuts. I tried putting the blame on something else: she had a cold, she was sensitive to the new soap the provider was using and a few other things…

I did a lot of research and after she turned 2 we exposed her to peanuts again. Immediately she said “I don’t like it. My mouth itches” and her face became pale once again. I set up an allergist appointment and it was confirmed that she is severely allergic to peanuts.

There have been 13 proteins identified within a peanut. Of those 13, Ara h 2 is the highest risk and most often associated with severe reactions such as anaphylaxis, and unfortunately that is the only protein she is reactive to.

MTHFR Gene Mutation

I never experienced food allergies when I was young. Peanut allergies were very rare. Since 2007 diagnoses of anaphylactic reaction to tree nuts has increased by 603%. You may wonder why…well…I did too. However, that’s an intense topic for another day. (I will be writing an extensive article on my proven theories.)

We also know Knox is allergic to dairy.Because of all of my research my mind started putting things together. My brother was diagnosed with Celiac disease at 4 and my sister with Lupus at 15. These are both autoimmune diseases.

I believed I knew because of my research that I likely had MTHFR Gene Mutuation.

I also decided that in order for Nova to have an allergy such as she has, with no history of it in either of our families that Eric would need to have at least one mutated allele.

(I have said it many times before, but I am not medically minded. My brain typically does not work that way, but if you diagnose my child with a life threatening allergy, apparently that motivates me enough to learn all I can.)

Child drinking water to eliminate toxins

We requested the gene mutation test from our primary care physician and he tried to talk me out of me.

“It is a needle in a haystack chance either of you have it. There may be 1 person in all of North Dakota that has it…if that.”

I still wanted it done. I opted not to have the kids tested because we would learn all we would need to know based on our results.

A few months ago we received the results and it was confirmed exactly as I predicted that I have the mutation on both alleles and Eric has it on one.

Basically, this confirmed our commitment to what we were currently doing as far as our lifestyle choices and I was right. I’m just going to say that one more time because I don’t get to say it often…I. Was. Right. I’ll enjoy that while I can.

When you have the MTHFR Gene Mutuation it basically means your body has a hard time turning folic acid into folate. Folate is used to to support a healthy heart, liver detoxification, energy production, glutathione production, cell reproduction (essential when you are pregnant, BUT Folic Acid should not be consumed, straight folate should) and more.

Healthy kids with MTHFR gene mutation

In the 2 years since Nova was diagnosed I have learned more than I ever thought I would about food allergies. I am grateful for this research because I have been able to slowly heal their allergies.

In the first 12 months after Nova was diagnosed I was able to get her allergy levels to drop by 42%, by following these daily habits.

Now, instead of waiting 12 months to see her allergist again we are only waiting 6 months to then potentially enroll her in an immunology study! Exciting things to come…

We Consume Avocados

Not only are avocados packed full of healthy fat, they are loaded with folate! Folate is essential for those with the MTHFR Gene Mutation and if you start your kids on consuming them young, it becomes a natural thing!

While I believe in taking supplements if your body is lacking in vitamins and minerals; the first way to address issues is to consume healthier foods.

Healthy kid with MTHFR Gene Mutation

Fresh Fruits, Vegetables & Water

The same way we fight of colds and flu we use fresh fruits, vegetables and water to heal their allergies naturally. It may seem odd that I include water in this but it aids in healthy digestion. Our kids only drink water or milk as we never keep juice or alternative drinks on hand due to the typically being loaded with sugar.

They take a Daily Probiotic

This step alone, I attribute to the reason her allergy has dropped so dramatically.

Food allergies typically mean their gut has been damaged. Usually this is because of their body being exposed to something it could not eliminate or detoxify. As I mentioned, due to them having the MTHFR Gene Mutuation their bodies already have a harder time detoxifying. So, healing their gut to support better digestion is key.

We give Nova a daily probiotic and Knox takes probiotic drops. The gummies taste incredible and she loves them! Knox sits there like a little bird once she gets her gummies, to then take his drops, it’s adorable!

Vitamin C & Elderberry

As you probably already know Vitamin C is essential to supporting a healthy immune system. Typically it is said that you cannot “overdose” on it but there are also other studies that say high doses of Vitamin C do not help. I disagree and firmly believe high doses of Vitamin C can help heal and cure many different types of illnesses or diseases.

We all take Vitamin C supplements every day. We also use Elderberry or Echinacea when we need an extra boost.

Healthy kids with MTHFR Gene Mutation

Eliminating Sugar

We do our best to eliminate sugar from our diets. Aside from alcohol consumption (no, not the kids, just the parents, settle down people) once in a while, we do our best to cut all added sugar. We do not carry soda in the house, and have very few processed foods (typically they are loaded with sugar and salt among other things). We make most of our meals from scratch and only bake on holidays.

Carrying a MTHFR Gene Mutation you are much more susceptible to the negative effects of sugar so this just reiterates the importance of eliminating it for us.

Natural, Chemical Free Soap

We avoid any and all chemicals as with the MTHFR Gene Mutation you are even more sensitive to them. Their body has a hard time eliminating toxins and chemicals so we avoid them at all costs.

Epsom Salt Baths

After I wash the kids hair and bodies, I pour a 1/4 cup of pure epsom salt into the bath and let them play for 15-20 more minutes. This aids in the detoxification that I believe they need from every day exposures and past exposures.

Healing food allergies is not always possible, but every one of our “tricks” only encourages a healthier lifestyle so it can’t hurt to try it!


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2 Replies to “How I Help Fight and Eliminate My Kids Food Allergies Naturally”

  1. I love this post so much, Angel! Do you mind sharing how you got tested for MTHFR? I think it’s likely that we have a gene mutation as well. We have done a lot of the same lifestyle changes throughout the past couple years. Thanks for sharing your experience.

    1. Thanks Sara! Yes, it was a simple blood draw that they ended up sending to the genetics lab at Mayo Clinic in Minnesota. I was surprised at how quickly the results came back too! I would caution you to make sure your insurance covers it because we had to go through a consult with our physician prior to the test to make sure it went through insurance correctly. If you have more questions feel free to email me at too!

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